Personalized inhaled therapy in obstructive diseases Review article

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Katarzyna Górska


Inhalation therapy has revolutionized the care of patients with asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The choice of the inhaler is based on the cooperation of the doctor and the patient, it is not only the selection of the drug and dose, but a complex process based on the individual assessment of the patient – symptoms, manual abilities and compliance. An important aspect is the quality of the inhaler, good experience with it, but also ease of use. It seems that for the benefit of the patient and to respect the choice of the physician, the pharmacist should not suggest replacing medications in inhaled formulas.

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How to Cite
Górska, K. (2020). Personalized inhaled therapy in obstructive diseases. Medycyna Faktow (J EBM), 13(4(49), 488-490.


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