Optimal dosage of β-blockers using metoprolol CR/XL as an example – what, for whom and when? Review article

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Radosław Grabysa


Metoprolol, a highly cardioselective β-blocker without intrinsic sympathomimetic activity, continues to play an important role in current treatment guidelines for hypertension, chronic heart failure, and coronary artery disease. Experts pay special attention to its modern, slow-release pharmaceutical form in the form of succinate, thoroughly tested in a number of clinical trials. Metoprolol succinate can be used in a single daily dose which ensures high compliance. The paper presents typical clinical scenarios in which appropriately dosed metoprolol CR/XL should be used. It should be emphasized that metoprolol CR/XL has the most registration indications among all the original β-blockers.

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How to Cite
Grabysa , R. (2020). Optimal dosage of β-blockers using metoprolol CR/XL as an example – what, for whom and when?. Medycyna Faktow (J EBM), 13(4(49), 424-429. https://doi.org/10.24292/01.MF.0420.6


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