Oak pollen season in selected cities in Poland in 2022 Original article

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Anna Kopacz-Bednarska
Joanna Ślusarczyk
Krystyna Piotrowska-Weryszko
Monika Ziemianin
Anna Rapiejko
Małgorzata Malkiewicz
Kazimiera Chłopek
Grzegorz Siergiejko
Dariusz Jurkiewicz
Tomasz Wolski
Agnieszka Lipiec


Oak (Quercus sp.) is a common species in Poland. Que a 1, which triggers allergic reactions in spring, is the main oak allergen. The aim of the study was to compare the oak pollen season in 13 Polish cities in 2022. Pollen was monitored with the volumetric method. The analyses determined the annual sum of pollen grains, the length of the pollen season (using the 98% method), the highest peak pollen concentrations, the dates of maximum pollen concentrations, and the number of days with pollen concentrations above threshold values causing clinical allergy symptoms. The earliest onset of the oak pollen season was noted in Szczecin (April 11th), and the latest beginning was recorded in Lublin and Kielce (May 5th). The shortest and the longest pollen seasons were recorded in Cracow (22 days) and in Szczecin (48 days), respectively. The highest total daily concentration of pollen grains was recorded in Opole (5083) and the lowest value was noted in Bialystok (112) and Szczecin (328). The highest maximum concentration of oak pollen was recorded in Sosnowiec and Kielce (625 and 543 grains/m3, respectively), whereas the lowest values were noted in Bialystok and Szczecin (27 and 47 grains/m3, respectively). In most of the analyzed cities in Poland, the peak oak pollen release was recorded between May 7th and 12th. The highest risk of allergic reactions caused by oak pollen allergens was reported from Opole, Piotrkow Trybunalski, and Zielona Gora.


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Kopacz-Bednarska, A., Ślusarczyk, J., Piotrowska-Weryszko, K., Ziemianin, M., Rapiejko, A., Malkiewicz, M., Chłopek, K., Siergiejko, G., Jurkiewicz , D., Wolski, T., & Lipiec , A. (2022). Oak pollen season in selected cities in Poland in 2022. Alergoprofil, 18(3), 6-12. https://doi.org/10.24292/01.AP.183301922


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