NK cells-their role in health and diseases

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Anna Stasiak-Barmuta
Marek Alifier
Piotr Rapiejko
Andrzej Wojdas
Wanda Stankiewicz


Since today, almost all of the immunology textbooks NK are presented in sections describing the innate immune system. In light of new findings showing how NK cells possess nearly all of the futures of adaptive immunity. NK can be a bridge between innate and adaptive immunity.



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Stasiak-Barmuta , A., Alifier , M., Rapiejko , P., Wojdas , A., & Stankiewicz , W. (2009). NK cells-their role in health and diseases. Alergoprofil, 5(3), 5-11. Retrieved from https://journalsmededu.pl/index.php/alergoprofil/article/view/148


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