Dear Readers,

as you know the “OncoReview” columns are always open to ambitious, young scientists from all over the world. And this is also the case in the latest issue of our magazine. In the original article opening the current issue of “OncoReview” Bedhrani et al. (University of Saad Dahlab Blida 1, Algeria) present a study regarding highly unfavorable impact of chemo-induced menopause on the quality of life of young women with non-metastatic breast cancer.

In turn, Poboży et al. (Medical University of Warsaw, National Medical Institute of the Ministry of Interior and Administration in Warsaw and Ciechanów Hospital, Poland) in an elegant review summarize the current state of knowledge about lung cancer and the position of modern immunotherapy with durvalumab in its treatment.

I hope you will enjoy this number of “OncoReview” and as always, I wish you inspiring reading.

Radosław Grabysa, MD, PhD, Associate Professor

Opublikowane: 2023-01-24