Dear Readers,

case report is one of the oldest and most valuable form of communication in medicine. Its addressees are physicians-practitioners, as well as students of medical faculties and novice specialists. It is a kind of publication, the purpose of which is to present a disease characterized by an atypical course and symptoms, and to illustrate an innovative approach to its treatment, as well as diagnostic and clinical difficulties arising in the diagnostic and therapeutic process.

In the latest issue of “OncoReview”, we offer you two publications on broadly understood interdisciplinary oncology, both come from the Warmia and Mazury Oncology Center in Olsztyn and the Oncology Center in Siedlce.

In the first of them, Przudzik et al. based on the description of a series of cases and a review of the current literature, present the problem of a very rare cancer of the genitourinary system, which is bladder leiomyoma.

In the next one, Czerko et al. present a very interesting and rare picture of breast cancer metastases to the stomach, mimicking linitis plastica.

As always, I wish you fruitful reading, which in my opinion may translate into an improvement in the prognosis of patients who are patients of oncology centers.

Radosław Grabysa, MD, PhD, Associate Professor

Opublikowane: 2022-09-30