Efficacy of trifluridine/tipiracil as IV line chemotherapy in a young woman with metastatic colorectal cancer. A case report Case report


Rafał Wiśniowski


Colorectal cancer is the most common gastrointestinal malignancy and the third most frequently diagnosed cancer worldwide. Trifluridine/tipiracil represents an approved option for the treatment of advanced metastatic colorectal cancer in patients who are refractory, or are not considered candidates for currently available therapies. We present a case of a young woman with refractory metastatic colorectal cancer treated with this agent as the IV line of chemotherapy in which remarkable prolongation of progression free survival time was observed.


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Jak cytować
Wiśniowski R. Efficacy of trifluridine/tipiracil as IV line chemotherapy in a young woman with metastatic colorectal cancer. A case report. OncoReview [Internet]. 31 marzec 2020 [cytowane 23 lipiec 2024];10(1(37):23-6. Dostępne na: https://journalsmededu.pl/index.php/OncoReview/article/view/1079