The received manuscripts are initially examined by the Editors. Manuscripts that do not fall within the journals scope are rejected immediately. Incomplete submissions or manuscripts that have not been prepared in the required style are returned to the authors for completion. If a manuscript is rejected without review, the authors will be notified via e-mail about the reasons for the rejection.


Articles are evaluated by at least two external referees who are asked to return comments within 3 weeks. The review form is available on the website of the journal. All submitted manuscripts are treated as confidential documents, and reviewers are instructed to treat manuscripts as such. The peer-review process is also confidential. Referees are asked to provide a written review together with the recommendation of acceptance, requirement for revision or rejection of the article. The names of the referees of the individual articles are not disclosed. The list of referees cooperating with the journal is published on the website once a year.


The Editorial Board accepts the article for publication based on the referees opinion. Authors are notified of decisions by e-mail only. The accepted papers are edited to improve their accuracy, clarity and length.


Reviewers criteria for manuscripts qualification

- Title reflects the subject undertaken

- Assumptions are proper

- Work of practical nature

- Aims are clearly defined

- Work of educational nature

- A proper number of suitably chosen and up to date references

- Proper length

- All figures and tables are required

- Standard of language acceptable


Additional criteria for original works

- Appropriate methodology

- Ethical criteria fulfilled

- Research-based work

- Results are adequately presented

- Statistical analysis is reliable

- Discussion refers to results

- Conclusions based on study findings

- Conclusions refer to aims