Acromegaly: the effect of somatostatin analogues on tumour volume shrinkage Review article

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Przemysław Witek
Marta Gutowska


Acromegaly is a rare disease, caused by growth hormone (GH) hypersecretion and secondarily elevated insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) level. Nearly all patients with acromegaly suffer from somatotroph pituitary adenoma. The main goal of treatment is to normalise both GH and IGF-1 levels, which reduces symptoms, complications and mortality. Transsphenoidal selective adenomectomy performed by an experienced neurosurgeon is the first-line therapy. Therapy with somatostatin analogues (SSA) is used as a neoadjuvant treatment prior to surgery and in a persistent disease following the surgery. The long-acting somatostatin analogues reduce serum GH/IGF-1 levels and tumour volume. In this clinical review, mechanisms and role of 1st and 2nd generation somatostatin analogues in the treatment of patients with acromegaly are presented, with particular emphasis on the effects on somatotroph pituitary adenoma volume reduction.


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How to Cite
Witek P, Gutowska M. Acromegaly: the effect of somatostatin analogues on tumour volume shrinkage. OncoReview [Internet]. 2016Dec.5 [cited 2025Mar.7];6(4(24):162-8. Available from:


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