Students’ knowledge about cervical cancer and vaccine against human papillomavirus (HPV) Original article

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Marta Maksimiuk
Aleksandra Sobiborowicz
Olga Beranek
Maria Sobol
Anna Maria Badowska-Kozakiewicz


Introduction: Human papillomavirus (HPV) is the most common sexually transmitted virus worldwide. It’s associated with over 99% of cases of cervical cancer and also connected with other cancers like rectal, vaginal or penile.

Aim: To evaluate the level of knowledge about cervical cancer and HPV vaccine among students attending medical and non-medical universities and to discuss problems connected with low interest in cancer prevention.

Materials and methods: 427 students took part in the anonymous survey. Original questionnaire consisted of 19 questions and was prepared by the authors powered by review of valid references.

Results: 93.2% of interviewees have heard about HPV vaccine and 20.6% of them have been vaccinated. There was a statistically significant difference in knowledge and attitude to vaccination and cancer prevention between medical and non-medical students.

Discussion: Interviewees are aware of hazards involved in HPV infection, but they don’t know the exact scale of it. They cannot evaluate the risks connected with cervical cancer properly, what may influence their low interest in prevention. Knowledge about HPV vaccine’s existence is common, but there is a huge disinformation about its characteristics and side effects. Main source of knowledge are mass media, subject of vaccination is discussed at school or with general physician extremely rarely. The price of the vaccine is main reason for resignation, so regional government’s prevention programs play a very important role.

Conclusions: The education of the society is a strong base for excellent prevention of cancers. Doctors should be included in more active operations for cervical cancer prevention.


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Maksimiuk M, Sobiborowicz A, Beranek O, Sobol M, Badowska-Kozakiewicz AM. Students’ knowledge about cervical cancer and vaccine against human papillomavirus (HPV). OncoReview [Internet]. 2018Sep.26 [cited 2025Mar.9];8(4(32):127-36. Available from:


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