Erythropoietin and the erythropoietin receptor, and drug resistance and progression of the neoplastic disease Review article

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Dominika Leś
Maria Saduś-Wojciechowska
Tomasz Rutkowski
Andrzej Wygoda
Krzysztof Składowski


Preclinical studies conducted over the past 10 years have shown that EPO is not only a hormone that regulates erythropoiesis, a major growth factor, but also a cytoplasm with pleiotropic activity that also affects cancer cells. The expression of EPO and its receptor (EPOR) occurs in many cancers of various origins. The EPO/EPOR system is active in many cancer cells and is involved in the modification of molecular signaling pathways and the stimulation of growth, survival, motility and the ability to create metastases. EPO can also increase the resistance of cancer cells in vitro and in vivo to chemotherapy and radiotherapy.


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Leś D, Saduś-Wojciechowska M, Rutkowski T, Wygoda A, Składowski K. Erythropoietin and the erythropoietin receptor, and drug resistance and progression of the neoplastic disease. OncoReview [Internet]. 2018Dec.17 [cited 2025Mar.9];8(4(32):108-13. Available from:


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