Synchronous colorectal cancer Case report

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Paweł Kozieł
Katarzyna Walkiewicz
Martyna Bednarczyk
Teresa Kokot
Małgorzata Muc-Wierzgoń
Ewa Nowakowska-Zajdel


Colorectal cancer is one of the most common neoplasms worldwide. It is still characterized by high mortality and causes ¼ of deaths due to neoplasms. Synchronous cancer is defined as presence of more than one cancer focus (not metastatic) in a patient at the same time. Prevalence of synchronous cancer amounts to 1.1–8.1% of all colorectal carcinomas. More often it affects elderly people and men. Risk factors include inflammatory bowel diseases, hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer and familial adenomatous polyposis. Molecular mechanisms underlying the synchronous lesions are: microsatellite instability (MSI), P53 and KRAS mutations as well as glutathione S transferase mutations (GST). In this article, we present a case of a 76-year-old woman with synchronous colorectal cancer in the form of tumors of the sigmoid colon and the ascending colon with metastasis in the liver


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Kozieł P, Walkiewicz K, Bednarczyk M, Kokot T, Muc-Wierzgoń M, Nowakowska-Zajdel E. Synchronous colorectal cancer. OncoReview [Internet]. 2015Sep.21 [cited 2024Jul.23];5(4(20):155-9. Available from:


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