Advanced skin melanoma – systemic treatment Review article

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Maksymilian Kruczała
Marek Ziobro
Aleksandra Grela-Wojewoda
Ida Cedrych


In Poland, morbidity and mortality rates for melanoma are constantly increasing. In the case of inoperable disease or distant metastases, prognosis remains poor. For many years, dacarbazine has been the gold standard in systemic treatment. Recently, a significant progress in melanoma therapy has been observed. Introducing targeted therapy or immunotherapy significantly improved treatment outcomes. This review paper presents current knowledge on systemic treatment of advanced melanoma, including treatment availability in Poland.


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Kruczała M, Ziobro M, Grela-Wojewoda A, Cedrych I. Advanced skin melanoma – systemic treatment. OncoReview [Internet]. 2015Jul.7 [cited 2025Feb.23];5(3(19):133-8. Available from:


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