Health and disease – medical and psychological aspects of quality of life in patients with gynecological cancers Review article

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Anna Kieszkowska-Grudny


Gynecological cancers, due to their location and relation to the aspects of femininity, reproductive ability and body image, are associated not only with the physical dimension of cancer, but also with the mental sphere. The loss of fertility may lead to feelings of sadness and grief that remain for a very long time after the treatment. In patients with gynecological cancers, the increased risk of early menopause, loss of femininity, decreased libido, or distorted body image can affect their quality of life. The distress emerging in this situation may further worsen the health condition and negatively affect the quality of life and ability to mobilize the organism to fight against the disease. For this reason, it is important to monitor the level of distress and quality of life using available questionnaires and measurement tools. Psychological interventions and psychotherapy can help women with gynecological cancers raise their self- -esteem related e.g. to corporeality, improve the overall quality of life and reduce the psychological distress caused by the disease and the treatment itself.



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Kieszkowska-Grudny A. Health and disease – medical and psychological aspects of quality of life in patients with gynecological cancers. OncoReview [Internet]. 2014Dec.31 [cited 2024Jul.23];4(4(16):165-70. Available from:


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