Diagnostics and treatment of acromegaly Review article
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Acromegaly is a chronic condition caused by excessive growth hormone secretion and secondary elevation of insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) concentration. Untreated or inappropriately treated disease results in development of severe complications including increased mortality, decreased average life expectancy and deteriorated quality of life. Constant stimulation of multiple tissues by growth factors in the course of the disease results in a significant increase in the prevalence of both benign and malignant tumors, of which the most frequent are colon, brain, breast, thyroid, uterus, prostate, kidney and skin lesions. All aforementioned complications are more prevalent in subjects with long-lasting and uncontrolled disease, hence an important role of early diagnosis, introduction of adequate treatment and well as careful follow-up in reduction of mortality and improvement of quality of life are discussed in the paper. Moreover, clinical picture of acromegaly, diagnostic procedures as well as up-to-date guidelines regarding therapy and monitoring of patients with this disease are concisely described.
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Address reprint requests to: Medical Education, Marcin Kuźma (marcin.kuzma@mededu.pl)
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