Anti-breast cancer potential of honey: A narrative review Review article

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Mohammad Sadegh Qadirifard
Amirhossein Fathabadi
Hamed Hajishah
Kosar Gholami
Mohammadmehdi Abbasi
Nafiseh Sami
Mostafa Mahmoudi Zo
Fateme Kadkhodaei
Mahla Sina
Arina Ansari
Zahra Rahimi
Niloofar Deravi


Cancer is responsible for the death of millions of people all around the world. Among the large group of cancers, the prevalence of breast cancer is highest in women. Therapeutic interventions, including removal surgery, radiation therapy, hormone therapy, and chemotherapy which is largely used, may cause adverse effects on the quality of patients’ life. This fact has encouraged researchers to find natural substances such as honey to overcome harmful effects. Nowadays, honey is recommended for plenty of abnormalities because of its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial properties. Various studies have been conducted to explore the anticancer benefits of different types of honey from different origins. In this review, we are going to summarize in-vitro, animal, and human studies on the anti-breast cancer potential of honey.


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Qadirifard MS, Fathabadi A, Hajishah H, Gholami K, Abbasi M, Sami N, Zo MM, Kadkhodaei F, Sina M, Ansari A, Rahimi Z, Deravi N. Anti-breast cancer potential of honey: A narrative review. OncoReview [Internet]. 2022Mar.31 [cited 2025Feb.5];12(1(45):5-15. Available from:


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