Patient with disseminated malignant tumor of the pancreas. Application of liposomal irinotecan as a new option of palliative treatment Case report

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Bogumiła Galińska
Rafał Becht


In palliative treatment of pancreatic neoplasms, chemotherapy regimens with gemcitabine, nab-paclitaxel, oxaliplatin, irinotecan, 5-fluorouracil or combinations of these drugs are used. The registration of liposomal irinotecan in the treatment of stage IV disease in patients with progression after gemcitabine creates new options for the treatment choice. The described case concerns a relatively young patient in whom the use of liposomal irinotecan in the registration indication turned out to be a safe and well-tolerated treatment.


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How to Cite
Galińska B, Becht R. Patient with disseminated malignant tumor of the pancreas. Application of liposomal irinotecan as a new option of palliative treatment. OncoReview [Internet]. 2021Jul.12 [cited 2025Mar.15];11(3(43):73-6. Available from:


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