Long-acting antipsychotics and neurocognitive functions in schizophrenia Review article

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Agata Szulc


Neurocognitive impairment is considered to be a core symptom in schizophrenia. It may occur in prodromal period, may persist or even get worse during the course of the disease and influence patients social functioning, disease insight and treatment adherence. Different cognitive domains can be affected, amongst them executive functions, which are connected with frontal dysfunction. Second generation antipsychotics seem to ameliorate neurocognitive functioning, however, the effect size is rather small or moderate. The improvement may be related to symptomatic change, practice effect or even neuroprotective properties of these agents. Long-acting second generation antipsychotics have not been extensively investigated, initial reports seem to confirm their advantage over oral formulation. It may reflect treatment adherence improvement, lower doses of antipsychotics used, lower risk of extrapyramidal symptoms and lower frequency of anticholinergic agents using.

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