The Art of Therapy. Therapy as the Art Review article

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Aleksandra Chmielnicka-Plaskota
Weronika Dziechciarska
Hubert Oręziak
Radosława Kompowska-Marek
Anna Zielińska


In this paper, we present the first phase of research that is addressed to a group of art therapy students of the Institute of Art Education, in the Maria Grzegorzewska Academy of Special Education. The reserach was conducted within a project whose goal was to demonstrate therapeutic results of therapy through art. It was assumed that the whole process of teaching art therapy on the undergraduate level, that is concentrated on stimulating and modifying cognitive and emotional functions, would lead to deeper experiencing and understanding oneself and others (self-discovery, self-development). It was also assumed that the students would acquire basic expertise in art therapy that would make it possible for them to work in medical facilities. The quality of life was evaluated by the Psychological General Well Being Index (PGWB). Data were received about the following variables: anxiety (ANX), depressed mood (DEP), self-control (SC), positive well-being (PWB), general health (GH), vitality (VT). This research was conducted within the grant BSTP 12/16-1 from the Maria Grzegorzewska Academy of Special Education.

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