Role of the nurses in the care of a patient with multiple sclerosis – case report Case report

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Dorota Nalepa


The study purpose: The purpose is to show the tasks of nurse in the care of patients with multiple sclerosis.

Material and methods: The study was conducted in May 2014 in the Neurology Ward – Stroke Unit of the Provincial Specialist Hospital in Lublin. The study involved 50-year-old man who was taken to the Hospital due to severity of paresis left limbs, dizziness, imbalance, and decreased vision. Research techniques used in the case study helped to gather broad information about the patient and direct action.

Results: Based on the information gathered formulated nursing diagnoses, specifies the purpose, scheduled actions, and checked whether the actions have produced a certain effect.

Conclusions: In the design of the nursing process in MS patients should focus on the functional side of the nursing service, which is often not normalized by procedures in the hospital functioning quality management system. Particular attention should be paid to any operation related with providing information and educational support to patients who are at the stage of confirmation of the diagnosis of chronic diseases of the nervous system. Another crucial aspect of the nursing process is a matter of individual and subjective treatment of each patient, especially in the case of an incurable disease.

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