What’s new in hypertension? Review article

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Danuta Czarnacka
Piotr Kusak


Resistant hypertension begins to be another challenge for medicine and cardiology. Pharmacotherapy is a therapeutic method not efficient to control high blood pressure in this group of patients. Therefore invasive methods are more popular nowadays. In clinical researches carotid baroreflex stimulation therapy by subcutaneously implantable device efficiently reduced blood pressure in patients with resistant hypertension. Equally percutaneous radiofrequency catheterbased treatment led to significant reduction of blood pressure maintained for 12 months after procedure. Both methods seem to be efficient and safe but randomized clinical researches are necessary to confirm this fact.

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How to Cite
Czarnacka , D., & Kusak, P. (2009). What’s new in hypertension?. Medycyna Faktow (J EBM), 2(3(4), 110-114. Retrieved from https://journalsmededu.pl/index.php/jebm/article/view/2656


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