Vertigo in seniors – a case report Case report

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Paweł Onopiuk
Mateusz Pionka


In the elderly vertigo is a more serious problem than in other age groups because of the increased risk of falls and secondary fractures, especially of the femoral neck. Vertigo has wide etiology (from damage to the vestibular system, through cardiovascular and metabolic disorders, intoxication, damage to both the peripheral and central nervous system to psychogenic ailments), so in the treatment of the elderly it is necessary to identify patients with serious illnesses requiring urgent diagnosis and treatment in a hospital. The paper presents a diagnostic and treatment of a senior with benign paroxysmal positional vertigo.

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How to Cite
Onopiuk, P., & Pionka, M. (2022). Vertigo in seniors – a case report. Medycyna Faktow (J EBM), 15(4(57), 462-466.


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