Is it possible to reduce total risk of hypertension? Review article

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Juliusz Rawdanowicz
Marek Kuch


Hypertension leads to serious clinical problems and thus is one of the leading causes of death even in countries with low income. Nowadays we should estimate the total risk of hypertension and decide how to treat our patients. Trials provided on rules of evidence based medicine are the best way to acquire knowledge witch treatment is the best choice. As we learn more and more about efficiency of antihypertension drugs, we have a lot of doubts, so specialist are trying to give us some simple scheme of treatment. It seems that using a combination of two from: thiazide like diuretics, ACE-i or Ca-blockers are the goal. But we also know that we should give up the way of thinking that there is a simple class effects of these drugs. Some of them especially perindopril looks very promising because of its unique pharmacokinetics and rather the strongest evidence of reducing global risk of hypertension.

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How to Cite
Rawdanowicz , J., & Kuch , M. (2012). Is it possible to reduce total risk of hypertension?. Medycyna Faktow (J EBM), 5(1(14), 19-27. Retrieved from


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