Combination therapy in patients with hypertension. What are the benefits of combining ARB with thiazide diuretics? Artykuł przeglądowy


Marek Chmielewski
Marek Kuch


The efficacy of antihypertensive therapy is still insufficient. Treatment goals are achieved only in 1/4 of the population (26%) in Poland.

One of the ways of improving treatment efficacy is to use a combination therapy. RAS inhibitors (ACE-I and ARB) either with thiazide diuretics or calcium antagonists are one of the most preferable and efficient combinations.


Jak cytować
Chmielewski , M., & Kuch, M. (2016). Combination therapy in patients with hypertension. What are the benefits of combining ARB with thiazide diuretics?. Medycyna Faktów , 9(3(32), 220-221. Pobrano z


1. Zasady postępowania w nadciśnieniu tętniczym [Principles of Arterial Hypertension Management] – 2015. Wytyczne Polskiego Towarzystwa Nadciśnienia Tętniczego 2015 [Guidelines of the Polish Society of Arterial Hypertension]; 1(1): 1-70.