Cladosporium spores in the air of selected Polish cities in 2014

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Agnieszka Grinn-Gofroń
Agnieszka Lipiec
Dorota Myszkowska
Monika Ziemianin
Agata Szymańska
Małgorzata Nowak


The aim of the study was to compare the concentration of Cladosporium spores in Szczecin, Warsaw, Cracow and Poznan in 2014. Measurements were performed by the volumetric method (Burkard and Lanzoni pollen and spores sampler). Cladosporium season was defined as the period in which 90% of the annual total catch occurred. The Cladosporium season started first in Szczecin (on the 30th March) and in the other cities it started during the next five weeks. The fungal season started last in Poznan.


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How to Cite
Grinn-Gofroń , A., Lipiec , A., Myszkowska , D., Ziemianin , M., Szymańska , A., & Nowak , M. (2014). Cladosporium spores in the air of selected Polish cities in 2014. Alergoprofil, 10(4), 32-34. Retrieved from


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