Bronchial methacholine challenge – the current state of knowledge

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Zenon Siergiejko
Grzegorz Siergiejko
Dominik Siergiejko
Piotr Siergiejko
Aleksander Krupa
Ewa Świebocka


The bronchial hyperreactivity is the inseparable feature of asthma. The methacholine challenge test is the main standardized method of the quantitative evaluation of bronchial hyperreactivity. Fifteen years ago it was accepted, that two aerosol delivery systems, i.e. five-breath dosimeter method and 2-min tidal breathing, are equivalent. The authors of this paper tried to sum up hitherto existing knowledge on the topic of the bronchial methacholine challenge. Works published after the year 2000 show that results of methacholine challenge led two mentioned higher methods differ at persons with mild BHR significantly. Because new inhalers and nebulizers recommended by manufacturers to bronchial provocative tests appear on the market, more far investigations over standardization of the procedure are necessary.


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Siergiejko , Z., Siergiejko , G., Siergiejko , D., Siergiejko , P., Krupa , A., & Świebocka , E. (2014). Bronchial methacholine challenge – the current state of knowledge. Alergoprofil, 10(4), 9-15. Retrieved from


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