Perennial allergic rhinitis in the course of grass pollen allergy. Case discussion

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Agnieszka Lipiec
Piotr Rapiejko


Over 8 million people in Poland suffer from allergic rhinitis. Grass pollen allergens are the most common cause of the disease. In Poland the sufferers are exposed to airborne grass pollen allergens for a few months. The threshold grass pollen count, that is necessary to evoke symptoms in the majority of grass pollen allergy sufferers (20 grass pollen grains in 1 m3) is recorded for several dozen days yearly. It leads to the exposure that is persistent. Intranasal corticosteroids are considered the first line drugs for moderate and severe intermittent allergic rhinitis and for all stages of persistent rhinitis. The paper presents the case of an 20yearold man with symptoms of persistent allergic rhinitis in the course of grass pollen allergy.


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How to Cite
Lipiec , A., & Rapiejko , P. (2014). Perennial allergic rhinitis in the course of grass pollen allergy. Case discussion. Alergoprofil, 10(2), 62-66. Retrieved from


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