Pollen concentrations of selected plant taxa in the air of Lublin in 2013

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Elżbieta Weryszko-Chmielewska
Krystyna Piotrowska-Weryszko
Aneta Sulborska


The main features of the pollen seasons of hazel (Corylus), alder (Alnus), birch (Betula), grasses (Poaceae) and mugwort (Artemisia) noted in Lublin in 2013 are presented in the paper. The studies were carried out using the volumetric method (Lanzoni pollen trap). The onset and the end of alder and hazel pollen season appearanced in the same time. There was significant delay of the peak concentration days (12.04) of pollen grains this taxa. The terms of the birch, grasses and mugwort pollen season were closer to appropriate terms in 2012. In 2013 exceptionally low concentrations of birch pollen grains were registered in comparison to the data of the previous years.


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How to Cite
Weryszko-Chmielewska , E., Piotrowska-Weryszko , K., & Sulborska , A. (2014). Pollen concentrations of selected plant taxa in the air of Lublin in 2013. Alergoprofil, 10(1), 56-59. Retrieved from https://journalsmededu.pl/index.php/alergoprofil/article/view/788


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