Influenza, a public health problem. What everyone should know

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Agnieszka Woźniak-Kosek
Jarosław Kosek
Bogumiła Kempińska-Mirosławska


In our climate zone the present winter-early spring time favours spreading the upper respiratory infections and flu. Many people claim that the flu seems to be not difficult to recognize thanks to very rapidly growing and rapidly occurring symptoms such as fever (usually above 38°C), myalgia, headache, and persistent hacking cough. However, similar ailments can be caused by infection by other viruses. These include parainfluenza viruses, adenoviruses, rhinoviruses, etc. It is estimated that more than 200 pathogens in total may be responsible for symptoms similar to those of influenza. Where appropriate, a virological diagnosis can be performed in a patient, i.e. steps taken to define a specific pathogen, located in the material collected in swabs from the upper respiratory tract of a sick person. In the past virus culture methods in chick embryos were used for this purpose that were complicated, time-consuming and therefore not useful in practice. Although studies of this type are still performed, they are giving way to modern techniques utilizing the achievements in molecular biology and genetic engineering, which were originally used only for research, and now have practical usage. This paper describes the basic knowledge on the structure of influenza virus, its diagnosis, and prevention methods in treatment.


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Woźniak-Kosek , A., Kosek , J., & Kempińska-Mirosławska , B. (2013). Influenza, a public health problem. What everyone should know. Alergoprofil, 10(1), 10-18. Retrieved from


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