The evaluation of level and type of physical activity in patient with asthma

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Ziemowit Ziętkowski
Roman Skiepko
Urszula Skiepko
Monika Perkowska
Anna Bodzenta-Łukaszyk


Asthma is one of the most common chronic disease of respiratory system. Aggravation of symptoms from the respiratory system after intense physical activity belongs to typical asthma symptoms. Concomitantly the level of physical activity is a basic parameter to asses the evaluation of stage disease. The aim of this study was the evaluation of level and type of physical activity in patient with asthma compering to healthy person. The results obtained in the study show that the level of physical activity (any form and exertion intensiveness) in patient with asthma is substantially lower compering to healthy people. The level of physical activity was substantially lower in patients with worse control of the disease and worse spirometry results. There were no statistically important dependence between the stage of physical activity and the number of visit in outpatient clinic, the necessity of taking oral corticosteroids and rescue medication before exertion. A tendency to more frequent hospitalization was observed in patients with low physical activity. The major superiority patient with asthma do not do sport regulary, as well as the level of physical activity during recreational classes was substantially lower compare to helthy people. Asthma should not be the reason of entire quiting of active live style and doing sport. Properly asthma treatment, patients education, matching suitable kind of exertion and environmental conditions might have positive effect on physical activity level and course of asthma.


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Ziętkowski , Z., Skiepko , R., Skiepko , U., Perkowska , M., & Bodzenta-Łukaszyk , A. (2013). The evaluation of level and type of physical activity in patient with asthma. Alergoprofil, 9(2), 26-31. Retrieved from


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