The frequency of skin problems caused by cosmetics among employees and customers of beauty salons

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Roksana Duda
Grażyna Kamińska-Winciorek
Radosław Śpiewak


The frequency of adverse reactions to cosmetics is increasing in the general population. Cosmetologists and beauticians are at a high risk adverse effects of cosmetics, because of their profession, which implies a constant contact with cosmetics.

Aim: To assess the prevalence of work-related skin problems among workers of cosmetic salons with particular reference to problems provoked by cosmetics. An additional objective was to assess the frequency of cosmetics-related problems observed by the respondents among their customers.

Material and methods: The questionnaire study included 100 workers of beauty salons. A modified questionnaire developed by Doryńska and Śpiewak (2010) was used to study the prevalence of skin problems in beauty salons.

Results: The occurrence of skin problems related to the use of cosmetics or other substances used in beauty salons was declared by 20% of employees, 67% of the respondents encountered such problems among their customers.

Conclusions: One in five employees of beauty salons has skin problems provoked by work, a half of those having such problems seek a doctor. More than half of employees of beauty salons encounter skin problems related to the use of cosmetics among their customers.


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How to Cite
Duda , R., Kamińska-Winciorek , G., & Śpiewak , R. (2013). The frequency of skin problems caused by cosmetics among employees and customers of beauty salons. Alergoprofil, 9(2), 20-25. Retrieved from


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