Allergic coexistence in children with atopic dermatitis

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Agnieszka Krauze
Emilia Sokulska
Klaudia Gmur


Atopic dermatitis (AD) is one of the most frequent chronic childhood disease. The aetiology of AD is multifactorial. The aim of the study was to detect prevalence of increased IgE level to inhalant allergens in children with atopic dermatitis. We assessed frequency of positive results of specific IgE for food allergens in 2 groups of children younger than 2 years of age and older. We recorded that the most frequent allergens in the group of patients at the age ≤ 2 years were: cat dander (44%), birch (38%), D. pteronyssinus (31%), D. farinae (31%),alder (25%), timothy (25%), rye (25%), in group > 2 years: cat (16%), alder (13%),dog (13%),guinea pig (13%), Alternaria tenuis (13%), birch (10%), D. pteronyssinus (10%).


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How to Cite
Krauze , A., Sokulska , E., & Gmur , K. (2012). Allergic coexistence in children with atopic dermatitis. Alergoprofil, 8(4), 20-23. Retrieved from


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