A patient with acute rhinosinusitis at the pharmacy

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Piotr Rapiejko


Acute rhinosinusitis is defined as symptomatic inflammation of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses lasting less than 4 weeks. The diagnosis is based on characteristic symptoms (clinical history) and physical examination. In cases with no complications, imaging diagnostics is not recommended (X-ray, CT). The most common etiology of acute rhinosinusitis is a viral infection. Treatment for acute viral rhinosinusitis focuses on symptomatic management as it typically resolves within 7 to 10 days. Bacterial infection occurs in only 0.5 to 2 percent of episodes of acute rhinosinusitis. Symptomatic management of acute rhinosinusitis, both viral and bacterial in etiology, aims to relieve symptoms of nasal obstruction and rhinorrhea as well as the systemic signs and symptoms such as fever and fatigue. The paper presents the outline of definitions, division, diagnostics and treatment of rhinosinusitis according to current recommendations. In the practical management of acute rhinosinusitis, pharmacists are usually the first-line contact, because some medications are available over the counter.



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How to Cite
Rapiejko , P. (2018). A patient with acute rhinosinusitis at the pharmacy. Alergoprofil, 14(1), 3-9. https://doi.org/10.24292/01.AP.280318


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