ARIA 2008 – the role of antihistamines in allergic rhinitis

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Piotr Rapiejko


The author presents therapeutic aspects enclosed in the update of ARIA recommendations. The treatment of allergic rhinitis should consider the severity and duration of the disease, the patient’s preference, likely adherence to recommendations, as well as the efficacy, availability and the cost of medications. Second-generation H1-antihistamines are recommended for the treatment of allergic rhinitis and conjunctivitis in children and adult. First-generation oral H1-antihistamines are not recommended when senond-generation ones are available, due to safety concerns.



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How to Cite
Rapiejko , P. (2008). ARIA 2008 – the role of antihistamines in allergic rhinitis. Alergoprofil, 4(2), 15-17. Retrieved from


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