Asthma and defect of occlusion and disorder of organ of mastication

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Justyna Poddębniak
Beata Zielnik-Jurkiewicz


Morbidity on allergic diseases enlarges at present in this on bronchial asthma. Asthma therapy requires longstanding administration of drugs which are not without the impact on the condition of oral cavity. There are primarily glycocorticosteroids administered by inhalation. It is careful, that they can be the cause of larger intensity of caries, diseases of paradontium, considerable deterioration of hygiene of oral cavity and the rise of defects of occlusion as well as the parafuntions which are the test of unloading the stress and the emotional connected with disease tensions. Children suffering from asthma should receive special prophylactic attention.



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How to Cite
Poddębniak , J., & Zielnik-Jurkiewicz , B. (2011). Asthma and defect of occlusion and disorder of organ of mastication. Alergoprofil, 7(2), 8-12. Retrieved from


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