Analysis of hazel pollen season in selected Polish cities in 2010

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Idalia Kasprzyk
Piotr Rapiejko
Agnieszka Lipiec
Małgorzata Malkiewicz
Kamilla Klaczak
Kazimiera Chłopek
Katarzyna Dąbrowska-Zapart
Małgorzata Puc
Dorota Myszkowska
Elżbieta Weryszko-Chmielewska
Krystyna Piotrowska
Małgorzata Nowak
Łukasz Grewling
Bernadetta Bajo


The patterns of hazel pollen seasons were compared. The study was carried out in 11 towns located in different climatic regions. Volumetric method was used. Pollen seasons were defined by percentage methods: 98% and 90%. The terms of the start of pollen season do not differ from the Polish standard. The season stared first in Szczecin, month later in Białystok. High synchronization of the peak dates and the patterns of pollen seasons were noted between Kraków and Lublin and also Kraków and Szczecin. In many cities pollen concentrations decreased in the period of 22–25 March.



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Kasprzyk , I., Rapiejko , P., Lipiec , A., Malkiewicz , M., Klaczak , K., Chłopek , K., Dąbrowska-Zapart, K., Puc , M., Myszkowska , D., Weryszko-Chmielewska , E., Piotrowska , K., Nowak , M., Grewling , Łukasz, & Bajo , B. (2010). Analysis of hazel pollen season in selected Polish cities in 2010. Alergoprofil, 6(4), 37-41. Retrieved from


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