Spatial differentiation of hazel flowering in Poland in a study years: 2007–2010

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Katarzyna Jabłońska


Analysis, based on long term series of phenological data showed that plant vegetation responds to climate changes by the acceleration of phenological events’ terms. Similar changes were also observed in Poland. Acceleration of flowering date of hazel can be important also for planning and monitoring treatment of people suffering from allergies. Year to year made observations lead to multi-series phenological data collection. They also unable the monitoring of time and area of flowering and direction of proceeding of this process over territory of Poland in a given year. The first two years of the multi-year study (2007, 2008) were characterized by earlier date of flowering (in the second and third decade of February in the most parts of the country) than the last two years (2009, 2010), especially 2010 (hazel flowering in – in the second and third decade of March over majority area). Hazel flowering began in a study years the earliest in the warmer parts of the country in the West and South-western regions and it proceeded in the North-eastern direction.



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How to Cite
Jabłońska , K. (2010). Spatial differentiation of hazel flowering in Poland in a study years: 2007–2010. Alergoprofil, 6(4), 32-35. Retrieved from


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