Threat of allergenic airborne mugwort pollen in Szczecin (2009–2010)

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Małgorzata Puc


The course of Artemisia pollen seasons in Szczecin (western Poland) 2009–2010 was analysed to establish a relationship between the meteorological parameters and the pollen count. Measurements were performed by the volumetric method. Pollen season was defined as the period in which 98% of the annual total catch occurred. The highest, record airborne concentration (127 p/m3) was recorded in 2009 on the 7th of July. The pollen concentration distributions during pollen seasons are strongly skewed to the right. In Szczecin statistically significant correlation was found between the pollen count of mugwort and the relative humidity and rainfall. The period with pollen count over an allergenic significantly value lasted 9–11 days.



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How to Cite
Puc , M. (2010). Threat of allergenic airborne mugwort pollen in Szczecin (2009–2010). Alergoprofil, 6(3), 48-49. Retrieved from


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