The analysis of grass pollen count in Wroclaw in 2010

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Małgorzata Malkiewicz


This paper presents the course of grass pollination season in Wroclaw in 2010. The investigations were performed using the volumetric method as well the Burkard trap. The pollen season duration was determined using the method of 98%. It has been shown that grass pollen season started in the third decade of May. This was more than 20 days later than in 2008–2009. Much higher than in previous years, the maximum concentration of grass pollen caused that in 2010 in Wroclaw was a higher risk of grass pollen allergens.



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How to Cite
Malkiewicz , M. (2010). The analysis of grass pollen count in Wroclaw in 2010. Alergoprofil, 6(3), 43-44. Retrieved from


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