The analysis of birch pollen count in Sosnowiec in 2010

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Katarzyna Dąbrowska-Zapart
Kazimiera Chłopek


The aim of the study was to analyze the pollen season of birch in Sosnowiec in 2010. The pollen count was measured by means of the volumetric method using a Burkard-type spore trap. The beginning and the end of the pollen season was determined by means of the 95% method. Birch pollen season in 2010 began on the 8th of April. The highest daily concentration amounting to 1561 grains per mł was found on the 19th of April. The length of pollen season was 22 days. Exposure to birch pollen allergens in 2010 in Sosnowiec was very high, the concentration that causes disease symptoms at almost all days of the birch pollen season were found.



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Dąbrowska-Zapart , K., & Chłopek , K. (2010). The analysis of birch pollen count in Sosnowiec in 2010. Alergoprofil, 6(3), 26-28. Retrieved from


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