The analysis of alder pollen in Sosnowiec 2010

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Kazimiera Chłopek
Katarzyna Dąbrowska-Zapart


This paper presents the course of alder pollen season in 2010 Sosnowiec. The measurements were performed with the use of volumetric method with Burkard. Pollen season was defined as the period in which 95% of the annual total catch occurred. The pollen season started on March 18 and it’s length was 13 days. The highest airborne concentration was noted on the 21th of March (757 grains/m3).



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Chłopek , K., & Dąbrowska-Zapart , K. (2010). The analysis of alder pollen in Sosnowiec 2010. Alergoprofil, 6(3), 15-17. Retrieved from


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