The analysis of hazel pollen count in Sosnowiec in 2010

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Katarzyna Dąbrowska-Zapart
Kazimiera Chłopek


The paper presents the course of hazel pollination season in Sosnowiec in 2010. The research was conducted by means of the volumetric method using a Burkard-type spore trap. The duration of pollen seasons was determined by means of the 95% method. Pollen season of hazel in 2010 started on February 28 however, the main period of pollination was observed until several days after the start of the season. The highest daily concentration amounting to 138 grains per m3 was found March 20. The length of pollen season was 35 days. Exposure to pollen allergens of hazel in Sosnowiec was small, there was a few days with the concentration that causes allergy symptoms.



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Dąbrowska-Zapart , K., & Chłopek , K. (2019). The analysis of hazel pollen count in Sosnowiec in 2010. Alergoprofil, 6(3), 8-10. Retrieved from


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