Start of alder and hazel pollen seasons and start of pollination in different habitats in Rzeszów

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Idalia Kasprzyk


Phenological and aerobiological monitoring of alder and hazel was provided. The aim of the study was to compare the data of the start of pollen season and the start of pollination. Phenological observations were conducted at several sites located in different environmental conditions. It was observed, that in 2006 at sunny habitats hazel started the earliest. Pollen grains of alder and hazel appeared a few days before pollination. Alder and hazel are easy to recognize and phonological observations can be good tool for pollen forecasting.



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Kasprzyk , I. (2010). Start of alder and hazel pollen seasons and start of pollination in different habitats in Rzeszów. Alergoprofil, 6(2), 32-37. Retrieved from


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