Once again about original and generic drugs Review article

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Przemysław Talik


The problem of a generic drug substitution has its permanent place in the global discussion of different groups representing both medical and pharmacists, as well as manufacturing circles. This may be evidenced, for example, by the number of publications in the available global scientific databases with a medical profile. There are also discussions in Polish periodicals, where substantive, very interesting and balanced opinions are also expressed by various medical university centers. One of the publications contained the results of the survey showing that 57% of physicians know and understand the term “generic substitution” and 41% do not. This interesting observation encouraged to explain the above concepts in a text addressed to the medical community.


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How to Cite
Talik , P. (2022). Once again about original and generic drugs. Alergoprofil, 18(2), 3-7. https://doi.org/10.24292/01.AP.182260522


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