Physiotherapeutic methods of trans-epidermal transport used in cosmetology – assessment of availability on the example of cosmetic work-shops in Warsaw

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Mira Lisiecka-Biełanowicz
Zbigniew M. Wawrzyniak
Ewa Sobolewska


In the paper the place of cosmetology in the public health is pointed out and the physiotherapeutic methods of trans-epidermal transport are described. Based on our own division of methods the availability for clients of these methods in cosmetic work-shops in Warsaw are investigated. It was found practical usefulness of this division in the assessment of the physiotherapy methods. The research show availability and advantages of the SPA salons over cosmetics cabinets in terms of quantity and types of the methods of physiotherapy, which are mainly applied to improve the transepidermal transport.



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How to Cite
Lisiecka-Biełanowicz , M., Wawrzyniak , Z. M., & Sobolewska , E. (2010). Physiotherapeutic methods of trans-epidermal transport used in cosmetology – assessment of availability on the example of cosmetic work-shops in Warsaw. Alergoprofil, 6(1), 31-39. Retrieved from


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