The frequency of lactose intolerance in children with cow’s milk allergy

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Grażyna Rowicka
Maria Gołębiowska-Wawrzyniak


Abstract: Clinical symptoms of cow’s milk allergy (CMA) and lactose intolerance may be similar, although the pathogenesis of both diseases is different. These diseases can also coexist with each other. The aim of this study was to assess the frequency of lactose intolerance in children with CMA. Material and methods. The study involved 94 children aged from 2 to 5 years with gastrointestinal symptoms. Children were divided into two groups. Group first was the 51 children, 25 girls and 26 boys, mean age 3.6 ±1.37 years with a diagnosed cow milk allergy (CMA). Group of the second was the 43 children, 19 girls and 24 boys, mean age 3.4 ±1.17 years who did not have confirmed the presence CMA. In all children performed hydrogen breath test (HBT) after the oral administer of lactose. After ingestion of lactose were carried out 24 hours observation of children for adverse symptoms of the gastrointestinal tract. Results. Lactose malabsorption in HBT was observed in 4 (7.8%) children with CMA. Clinical symptoms in this group after ingestion of lactose were observed in 5 (9.8%) children including 3 (5.9%) children with decreased absorption of lactose in HBT and 2 (3.9%) with correct this test result. Among the children in the second group the WTO result indicating malabsorption of lactose was obtained in 5 children (11.6%), while clinical symptoms after the test was observed in 6 (14%) children, including 3 (7%) with abnormal WTO results and 3 (7%) with correct result. Conclusions. The frequency of lactose malabsorption and clinical symptoms of lactose intolerance in children with CMA aged 2 to 5 years was respectively 7.8% and 9.8%. Lower frequency of lactose malabsorption and symptoms of lactose intolerance in children with CMA in relation to not allergic children in the same age argues against their secondary to the allergy occurrence.



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How to Cite
Rowicka , G., & Gołębiowska-Wawrzyniak , M. (2010). The frequency of lactose intolerance in children with cow’s milk allergy. Alergoprofil, 6(1), 27-30. Retrieved from


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