Oak and hornbeam pollen season in Kielce in 2021 Original article

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Anna Kopacz-Bednarska
Joanna Posłowska
Joanna Ślusarczyk


The paper presents the characteristics of oak and hornbeam pollen seasons in Kielce in 2021. Aeropalinological measurements were carried out with the use of the volumetric method. The main oak pollen season lasted 35 days. The maximum concentration of oak pollen, i.e. 227 grains in 1 m3 of air, was recorded on May 20, and the seasonal pollen index was estimated at 1533. The hornbeam pollen season was longer, i.e. 56 days. The peak hornbeam pollen release was recorded on April 28, when 22 pollen grains in 1 m3 of air were noted, with the annual concentration sum of 207. The study also determined the effect of some meteorological factors on the concentration of pollen grains of the analyzed plant taxa. The meteorological parameters were found to exert the strongest effect on the dynamics of the hornbeam pollen season.


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Kopacz-Bednarska , A., Posłowska , J., & Ślusarczyk, J. (2022). Oak and hornbeam pollen season in Kielce in 2021. Alergoprofil, 18(1), 21-28. https://doi.org/10.24292/01.AP.181050322


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