Characteristics of ash, maple, yew/juniper, and willow pollen seasons in the air of Kielce in 2021 in correlation with weather conditions Original article

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Joanna Ślusarczyk
Anna Kopacz-Bednarska
Joanna Posłowska


The paper presents the course of ash, maple, yew, juniper, and willow pollen seasons in the city of Kielce in 2021. These are the first published aerobiological studies of these species from this city. The investigations were carried out with the volumetric method using a Lanzoni apparatus. The pollen season was determined with the method of 98% of the annual pollen grain sum. In Kielce, the highest concentrations of ash pollen (85 P/m3 of air) were recorded on April 21, maple pollen (71 P/m3) on April 28, yew and juniper pollen (120 P/m3) on April 1, and willow pollen (66 P/m3) on May 12. The parameters of the pollen season were analyzed statistically with reference to the selected meteorological parameters.


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Ślusarczyk, J., Kopacz-Bednarska, A., & Posłowska, J. (2021). Characteristics of ash, maple, yew/juniper, and willow pollen seasons in the air of Kielce in 2021 in correlation with weather conditions. Alergoprofil, 17(4), 44-51.


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