Hypertonic sea-water solution treatment of rhinosinusitis

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Piotr Rapiejko
Dariusz Jurkiewicz


Day-to-day ENT practice offers evidence of beneficial effects of nasal douching with sea water solutions. Products which cleanse nasal mucosa are now used as an adjunct to treatment of rhinitis and rhinosinusitis. The aim of the study was a retrospective evaluation of the effect of the hypertonic solution of sea water Marimer given to enhance primary treatment for acute sinusitis. The following medical records including fully documented medical history and physical findings in compliance with the EP3OS were randomly selected from the medical records at the ENT Outpatient Clinic: – 20 patients with acute rhinosinusitis treated with topical nasal corticosteroids and symptom-relieving medication (Group A). – 20 patients with acute rhinosinusitis treated with topical nasal corticosteroids and symptom-relieving medication plus Marimer Hypertonic two doses into each nostril twice a day (Group B). Seven-days-treatment resulted in the decresing of severity of the disease by 46,6% in control group and by 80,6% in patients using Marimer Hypertonic. The use of Marimer Hypertonic as an adjunct to the treatment of acute rhinosinusitis results in highly statistically significant improvement of nasal patency (by 58,13 in control group and by 91,3% in patients using Marimer Hypertonic) due to decreased swelling of the mucosa of the nasal turbinates and reduces the risk of acute rinosinusitis complications such as otitis and development of the chronic form of rhinosinusitis. After seven days of treatment the decrease of swelling of the nasal mucosa by 41,45% in control group and by 89,13% in patients using Marimer Hypertonic was observed in endoscopic examination. The use of Marimer Hypertonic as an adjunct to the treatment of acute rhinosinusitis results in a highly statistically significant improvement in function of smell. Treatment with local nasal corticosteroids in combination with a hypertonic sea-water solution (Marimer Hypertonic) produces a significant reduction in the severity of symptoms in patients with rhinosinusitis. The therapeutic effect in these patients is statistically significantly better than in patients treated with local nasal corticosteroids alone. The study findings show that the use of the hypertonic sea-water solution Marimer Hypertonic may be a valuable adjunct to drug therapy for acute rhinosinusitis.



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How to Cite
Rapiejko , P., & Jurkiewicz , D. (2009). Hypertonic sea-water solution treatment of rhinosinusitis. Alergoprofil, 5(2), 27-37. Retrieved from https://journalsmededu.pl/index.php/alergoprofil/article/view/132


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