Grass pollen count in 2007 – preliminary report

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Piotr Rapiejko
Agnieszka Lipiec


Seasonal character of symptoms is the distinctive feature of allergic diseases evoked by pollen allergens. Symptoms occur only when pollen count reaches a certain level. Clinical symptoms of allergic disease were connected to the concentration and the kind of aeroallergen the subjects were exposed to. First symptoms in patients allergic to grass were visible during exposure to the concentration of 20 pollen grains in 1 m3 of air (25% subjects sensitized to grass pollen). Symptoms were noted in all the subjects sensitized to grass pollen at a concentration of approximately 50 grains/m3 of air. During exposure to the a concentration exceeding 65 grains/m3 the symptoms were strenghtened. A several hours’ exposure to grass pollen concentration exceeding 120 grain/m3 cause dyspnoea in some patients. The initial assessment of clinical symptoms in subjects suffering from allergy to grass pollen allergens indicates that in 2007 seasonal symptoms are more severe that in 2006. The number of days with pollen count exceeding 65 and 120 in 1 m3 of air are higher in 2007 that in 2006 and 2005.



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Rapiejko , P., & Lipiec , A. (2007). Grass pollen count in 2007 – preliminary report. Alergoprofil, 3(2). Retrieved from


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